It’s half term here in the UK and lots of us will be taking a trip or two to our local DIY store to get some household jobs done whilst we’re off work. There’s always things to do and if you’re confident to do a DIY job yourself, or at least, have a go, kudos to you! We wish you the best of luck and if your list involves sorting a new fence, remember we’re here to take that job off your hands.
So, did you know that there are some common things that customers do in DIY stores that we really shouldn’t? From things that are a bit irritating to fellow shoppers or store employees, to things that are just plain dangerous. But fear not! We have the lowdown on DIY store etiquette, and most importantly what you should never do in a DIY store!

- Giving fellow customers unsolicited advice
When you’re looking for the perfect paint colour for your bedroom, there’s nothing worse than a fellow shopper reminding you that you’re going to need some paintbrushes and a tray. The golden rule of thumb is; if they don’t ask, don’t tell.

- Letting the kids run around or climb the shelves
There’s little more worrying to other customers and store employees than kids running around in a store. But there aren’t many places where it’s as dangerous as in a DIY store. Instead, get them involved and ask them to help you find what you’re looking for. That way nobody’s going to have an accident. Half term in A&E is never fun for anyone.

- Being impolite to the staff
Always ask nicely. You might well be the person they go home and tell their family about that evening because you were a joy to serve.

- Entering blocked off aisles
If they’re blocked off, it’s usually for our safety. Perhaps the floor is wet or something on the shelves is unstable and they need to fix it before it hurts someone. If you need something from that aisle, flag down a store employee and ask for help instead.

- Wearing open-toe shoes
Things dropped on toes = ouch!

- Not putting things back where they belong
That wood glue left in the bathroom showroom area…think of the extra steps on your watch as you go to put it back where you got it from. Win win!
Are you working on a project for the Easter holidays? Tell us all about it on our Facebook page!
‘Til next week!
Jo @ Colourfence
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