It may seem a little unnecessary to worry about the sun in the UK, but even though we might not have boiling hot Greek weather, the sun still has powerful UV rays that can harm your body, even if it’s a cloudy day. That’s why we’ve put together our top tips on how to keep yourself and your loved ones, safe in the sun!
Sun cream to protect your skin from UV rays
One of the most obvious suggestions, but the most important, is to cover yourself in sun cream. It’ll also help to suppress extremely bold tan lines; if you smother yourself in high factor sun cream then you’re less likely to get t-shirt tan marks when out in the garden. However, if you’re trying to get a tan, then still wear sun cream, just opt for a lower factor. When buying sun cream, always look out for the stars on the bottle to ensure it’s keeping your skin protected. A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and a UVA rating of 4 or 5 stars is considered a good sun lotion to use. You can pick sunscreen up at places such as Superdrug, Boots, or supermarkets.
Keep hydrated to avoid dehydration
Chances are, if you’re out in the sun and doing a spot of gardening then you’ll probably feeling thirsty, but it’s a good idea to keep refreshments at arm’s reach even if you don’t think you’re particularly thirsty. Why not put some ice cubes into a big jug and add some cucumber to flavour your water? Ice lollies are also another way for extra thirst-quenching options, and little ones will appreciate a cold lolly! Why not make your own with squash or fruit & yogurt, and have the kids or grand-kids make them with you as a fun activity?
Clothing to keep your skin shielded from the sun
A hat and long-sleeved clothing are what would be best, but let’s face it when the sun is out the last thing you want to wear is full-length trousers and a long sleeve top! So just make sure you’ve got sun cream on, and then wear something that’s loose fitting and preferably a light colour to keep yourself a little bit cooler.
Sunglasses for style and protection
Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV rays which can cause eye problems such as cataract, degeneration, pinguecula, pterygium, and many more. Investing in a UV absorbent pair of shades could not only keep your eyes safe but they could also allow you to see a lot better while the sun beams down,
Stay in the shade
If you’ve ever been pottering about all day and then in the evening you’re realised just how much you’ve caught the sun, then you know just how easy it is to get burnt without even realising. One way to avoid this is to stay in the shade, you can do this by using umbrellas, sitting under trees or even by relaxing next to your protective garden fence as long as it blocks out the sun.
Sun Safety for kids
As well as putting sun cream on them and making sure they wear a big hat, try to encourage them to play in the shade, and dress them in loose cotton clothes that keep their skin as covered as possible. If they’re doing a lot of running about or helping you dig up the garden, then get them to take regular breaks (use the ice lollies as an opportunity to get them to take 5) as you don’t want them getting heat exhaustion or heatstroke. If you’ve got a baby under the age of 6 months, then keep them out of direct sunlight completely.
Pets in the sun
If you’ve got furry friends that will be enjoying the sunshine too, then make sure you keep their water bowl topped up with fresh, clean and cool water. Some animals such as dogs and birds may enjoy being sprayed down with a bit of water if they’re in the sunshine – just make sure you avoid their eyes, nose and mouth and only do a gentle spray – they don’t need to be drenched! Ensure that all your pets have sufficient shade areas, so they can decide if they want to be in the sun or in the shade. If your pet starts panting, then make sure you put them in the shade and somewhere with a cool airflow, also make sure their water bowl is right next to them. If you’d like to find out more about how to keep your pets safe in the garden then you can read more on our previous blog.
We hope you’ve found this blog useful and that it’ll keep sunburn and heatstroke at bay while still enjoying the British summer, happy gardening!

For a fence which doesn’t fade in the sun, get in touch.