Oh, for a beautiful garden with minimal stress! There’s no denying that it can be hard work to achieve. A garden that looks healthy and bright all year round can seem impossible when you have 99 other things to do. In a time-poor nation, hacks and tips are what we need to get things done quicker and with minimal effort. Whilst we can’t promise a garden worthy of The Chelsea Flower show, we do have some tricks that can at least make life a little bit easier. Hopefully they will help you create a garden fit for a nice, relaxing G&T as you admire your plot.

Get salty
Epsom salt is your new best friend. Rich in goodies like magnesium and sulphate which are crucial for plants, it can help keep them fit and healthy. Simply add a few tablespoons to your watering can once a month to help your garden bloom or add it to potting compost to help seeds germinate faster. And what’s more, Epsom salt can also add to a plant’s green colour – brightening your garden up instantly. Nice!

Splash of Vinegar
Hands up who else hates weedkiller? When you don’t know what’s in it and you’re not completely convinced it’s ok for pets? Plus, you have to trek to the garden centre to get it. You can mix white, malt or cider vinegar and salt to spray on weeds. The mixture will dehydrate them, this works particularly well when the sun is directly on them. If done carefully this won’t taint the soil so you can plant it again without harming your other plants.

But my back is killing me!
Heavy pot plants are no fun to lug around when you simply have to move them. Try this instead: Fill the bottom quarter of your pot with something light and water-resistant like packing peanuts or put your non-recyclable plastic food packaging to good use. This gives your flowers height, without wasting compost and makes the pot lighter. It will also aid drainage and provide some ground insulation. Win-win!

Pick Perennials
Perennials are simply plants that last two years or more. Often much longer. If you make a point to fill your garden with perennials, in theory, that’s less work for next year when they grow back. Check the plant label for the word “perennials” and Bob’s your uncle! Just get rid of the dead stuff before it blooms again. We love Shatsu daisies.
Enjoy your G&T!
‘Till next week.
Jo @ ColourFence
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