Ayesha G

1. How long have you been at ColourFence?
ColourFence was one of my first jobs straight from university, so a whole 4 years & 4 months! I was the first Exec to be recruited for the new Managed Marketing scheme, so I have been here since the very beginning.
2. What is your role and what do you do?
Senior Marketing Exec. My job is to manage the annual marketing plans for the Franchisees and Area Managers located in the Midlands/North region. This includes budgeting, media buying, design, and data crunching.
3. Tell us your favourite:
· Colour: Rose gold
· Season: Summer
· Animal: Dog
· Lunch: Miller & Carter lunch menu, 3 courses for £15!!!

4. Tea or Coffee? Hard one! Has to be your standard English tea for me, but I do love a Hazlenut Latte!
5. Marmite, love or hate? Now there are not many foods that I dislike but I do hate marmite – vile stuff!
6. Does pineapple belong on pizza? 100%. You can not go wrong with a cheeky Hawaiian pizza!
7. What is the best bit about your job?
The people. Everyone has their individual ways, but we all gel so well. Our Franchisees are also a great bunch to work with.
8. And the worst bit about your job?
Having to get out of a warm bed in the mornings!

9. What’s the funniest thing that’s happened at work?
I mean, this was not funny for me, but it did entertain the whole office. I once got dressed in the dark and accidentally went to work with see-through trousers on!!! I had important meetings that day, so I had to take a trip to New Look to buy a new pair! Embarrassing!
10. Tell us about the most memorable task you’ve done?
The most memorable task would have to be the Love your Garden project that we were involved in. I got to attend the site when the filming was happening which was super cool!
11. What do you think is the best thing about the ColourFence products?
The low maintenance aspect. We had a ColourFence in our old house and it still looked as good as the day it was installed years later. Also, I like to sunbathe in the Summer, not paint or treat the fence!
12. So what are you most looking forward to in 2022?
Getting my life back. The last 2 years have been so uncertain with Covid, so I would like to be able to explore the world without the worries and restrictions. My little boy was born during the Pandemic, so he still has so much to see.

Thanks for sharing with us, Ayesha!
Check back for more team profiles coming soon!
‘Til next week.
Jo @ ColourFence