Gardening to reduce stress and anxiety is something many of us have considered recently. It’s been a whirlwind of a time these past eighteen months or so and it’s meant many changes to our lives. None of us saw Covid coming and what a journey it’s been. For most of us it’s affected our mental health in some way. However, there seem to have been at least some benefits to the struggle that we’ll all been through. Less pollution is generated by people who are working from home rather than commuting to the office. More time with family. A better appreciation for the joys in life and a bigger focus on our home life. It’s made many of us reassess our priorities.

One of the changes many have made is to make more use of their garden and outdoor spaces. Sales of ColourFence rocketed last year as people wanted to make the most of their gardens. From a simple tidy up to a complete overhaul, Britons across the country have upped their gardening game. TV shows like BBC’s Garden Rescue grew in popularity too, as people began to focus on slowing down and doing things for the sake of their mental health, rather than simply ticking another job off the list. And whilst potting new plants and tidying up borders, many found solace in nature and wildlife outside. We found that gardening to reduce stress is really a thing!

In a study by The University of Sheffield et al ` “Significant associations were found between improvements in well-being, perceived stress and physical activity and more frequent gardening. Gardening on a frequent basis i.e. at least 2–3 times a week, corresponded with greatest perceived health benefits.”
So clearly it pays both mentally and physically to get outdoors and get digging. We’d love to know what you’ve been up to in your garden. Have you gone for some new plants or perhaps a bird table? Have you changed up your boundary with a new ColourFence? Perhaps you decided to make a water feature and are relaxing to the sound of trickling water and birdsong whilst you admire your new fence. Whatever you decided to do, the benefits of being outdoors are multiple. Long may they continue!
Until next week
Jo @ ColourFence