Are you wondering what flowers to plant in March? What seeds and bulbs is it too cold for and what will do just fine? It is sensible to do some research before you plant so you don’t end up disappointed. Luckily, we’ve done that for you so read on:
Wildflower mixes
We love how these produce a beautiful variety of colour later in the year and are relatively low maintenance. The idea is to let them grow into a natural meadow, with little work involved. Prepare your soil well by removing any weeds (they will be harder to remove once your wildflowers start growing). Rake your soil so it’s nice and fine but do not enrich it. We love the wildflower mix from with a pack of mixed wildflower seeds starting at £7.99 and multi-pack options available. If you’re stuck deciding what flowers to plant in March, these are a great all-rounder. They produce lots of different colour flowers and are also bee-friendly!

If you have a greenhouse, try Dahlias
A bright flower with quite a striking, large head. Dahlias are a great flower to plant in March but you will need a greenhouse to keep the seeds warm. Simply fill a pot or a seed tray with compost and push the seeds in. If your compost feels a little dry, add some water to moisten it. Then, when you have planted your Dahlia seeds, go ahead and cover with a polythene bag with plenty of air in and secure with an elastic band. If you are using a seed tray, cover with a propagator lid.

No Greenhouse? Start Lupins on a windowsill
Did you know that you don’t necessarily need a greenhouse for some seeds? You can start Lupins on some spare windowsill space. Get yourself a seed tray and fill with moist compost, adding a little water if you need to. Scatter the Lupin seeds on top and cover with a polythene bag secured with an elastic band. When you see the seedlings start to sprout, remove the bag.

We hope our brief guide to what flowers to plant in March is useful. Do let us know on our Facebook page if you decide to plant any of the above.
Happy planting!
Jo @ ColourFence
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